Training Doctor's In Children's Liver Disease

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Welcome to Our Blog

Thank you for visiting our blog. Here you will find information about our Foundation, latest updates reagarding fundraisers and more.
Here's a little bit about us...

The Johnny Genna Foundation is an organization dedicated to funding medical research in Pediatric Liver Disease. The foundation was created by the Genna family in memory of their son, Johnny who died in 1986 of pediatric liver disease.

Johnny was also the recipient of the first segmental liver transplant performed in the United States.

The scholarship fund has so far provided the necessary funds to place 10 physcians specializing in pediatric hepatology at various hospitals throughout the country.

These scholars have studied under Dr. Peter F. Whitington, M.D., the Director of Transplantation at Children's Memorial Hospital.

Please follow us and help keep the memory of Johnny alive and help other children who weren't as fortunate as Johnny live a long, healthy life.

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